Our Board Decisions

New TBYW Board
10 . 02. 2022
From February 2022, some members of the Board decided to step down for personal reasons. The board deliberated and decided going forward that the organization would be best served by a 5 member board of directors . They were subsequently chosen by a meeting of TBYW’s board and coordinators.
The new members of the TBYW board are as follows.
Chair - wingston@tastebeforeyouwaste.org
Secretary - amy@tastebeforeyouwaste.org
Treasurer - sindhu@tastebeforeyouwaste.org
General Board Member - margherita@tastebeforeyouwaste.org
General Board Member - vasuki@tastebeforeyouwaste.org

From the 11th March 2021, TBYW formally agreed to move forward with sociocratic decision-making within the board and its surrounding members. With this method, TBYW will only pass a decision that has not been objected to by one of the eligible voting members. In order to make a fair decision there must be at least 75% of the eligible voters present and at least two of the three official board members need to be present, for legal reasons. Currently this consists of eight members, thus six of those people must be present at every point of voting. These members include the legal board (Luana Carretto, Coby Babani and Remi Abdul Samad), consulting members (Gaetano Carretto and Sophia Bensch) and the operational team (Isabel Allen, Fioralba Hysaj, and Zoe Lieberman).
In addition to these eligible voting members, TBYW keeps two advisory seats open for any stakeholders in the organisation to join in the decision-making process. In order for these advisory seats to be eligible to vote they must meet certain requirements. This includes: being informed through our sociocracy guidebook; self approval of the matter on the decision being made; and being approved by the rest of the voting members. These seats are limited to two per meeting. However, TBYW is always open for passive participants that join to observe board meetings without the right to vote. There is no limit concerning these positions.

Separation of food streams
Food safety is a priority. We maintain a separation of product streams which is in line with the Dutch Commodities Law (de Nederlandse Warenwet):
We will not accept or redistribute food products which have passed the ‘Use By’ date (TGT datum).
Food products whose ‘Best Before’ date (THT datum) have expired will be accepted and redistributed, provided they posses their normal properties. In their guidelines for the redistribution of food by charitable organizations, the Dutch Food and Commodities Authority (Nederlandse Voedsel en Warenautoriteit), states that the ‘Best Before’ date is mainly about quality, whereby a risk for consumer health is unlikely.
During our cooking activities products which ‘Best Before’ or ‘Use By’ dates have expired are not used. TBYW choose this because products which have already been prepared do not have a clear expiration date, which inhibits the consumer from making an informed decision on whether or not to consume the product.