Stronger together
Fighting food waste cannot be done alone...
Our Partnerships
They support us in our fight against food waste, each in their own way! Have a look:
Support & Feed
XXXwhat is SFXXX provided us with a grant so that we can continue our Wasteless Wednesdays and take on new projects as well.
We collect leftovers from their office lunch to prevent food waste and to feed our team and volunteer / our community.
We do our pick-ups In Javastraat: Saeed's Curry House, Öz Yildiz Supermarkt, Supermarkt Yakhlaf (Oost), Daily Java Supermarkt, Bakkerij Kardas, ... more to come
Chef Centraal
Gives us that good bread!
Plukbos is a community in Amsterdam Oost. We bring our food scraps or moldy food to their composting station. Giving back soil to regrow veggies!
Gebrouwen door Vrouwen
Food (aka beer)
Not just food, also drinks can be enjoyeed after their so-called expiration date! We are happy that Gebrouwen door Vrouwen donates the bottles they can no longer sell ...