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Circular economy? What is this?

Hello food heroes! Today we are going to talk about the circular economy! Oh, wait! You have never heard of it? You are not interested in the economy? Chill! This is another interesting blog about sustainability and food! Let's start!

What is a circular economy?

The aim of circular economics is to split and disconnect economic development from the consumption of finite resources. Nowadays we are producing finite resources in mass, hoping that these resources will never end, but the truth is that they will. Therefore, a solution has to be found.

The circular economy is based on three principles

The basics of the circular economy

  1. From the initial design stage, try to reduce or eliminate the possible waste of the product. If the possible waste is reduced from the start, the level of pollution decreases as fewer items (ideally zero) end up in an incinerator or in landfill.

  2. Design products and materials that are continuously in use and circulation; that is to say, those that can be reused successively.

  3. Design products to introduce them back into the biosphere without technical incidents. Thus, a design completely adapted to nature.

Why do we call it circular?

In the opposing linear economy products are manufactured, consumed and eliminated, causing residual waste. In the circular economy the waste is recycled, reduced to a minimum, or reused. The circular economy is based upon a continuous cycle.

As we know, the circular economy is not, FOR NOW, our economic system. To promote, induce, lead, and facilitate this transition, the application of different economic instruments has been chosen. For example through green taxation, based on the principle of Arthur Cecil Pigou (1920): "who pollutes pays".

How do we contribute to a circular economy in TBYW?

  1. We contact stores to avoid food waste.

  2. We collect food that is in perfect condition but cannot be sold because it may have a small defect.

  3. With the food collected, we organise events. On Mondays, a fruit and vegetable market, and on Wednesdays, a dinner.

We are a foundation that fights to raise awareness of food waste, so there is no price for these events. Would you like to join us at our next event? Stay tuned to our schedule on our social media! See you there!


J. Tubau (2022). The application of the green taxation in the construction sector for the reduction of waste. Pompeu Fabra University.

Written by

Júlia Tubau

Én kommentar

17. okt. 2022

This is very interesting, thank you!😊

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